Modern European History



Many European history courses taught in our high schools today, leave students guessing at what really did happen in the development of Modern Europe. Teachers simply run out of time and wind up filling their students with a mass of isolated and unrelated facts. Students in turn are left blind as to what were the causes and effects of the many events occurring after 1870 in Europe. Modern European history is an elective course that will supply students with the answers to these and their other questions that usually go unanswered. The course traces the rise of Germany into a national state and the subsequent change in Europe’s age old balance of power. Emphasis is placed on the causes and effects that both World Wars have had on the development of Modern Europe. Special treatment is given to the modern Tyrant’s and their philosophies as they pushed their respective countries into war. The course ends with both the conclusion of World War II and an analysis of what the war did to Europe.